Sunday May 9th 2010
Roadside Grill Session #3, Safeway parking lot, Tempe, AZ
Grill session #2 took place at an I-90 rest area in central Washington during a wild wind storm, making the session rushed and unpleasant, resulting in lack of documentation. We made "Fish Philly's" again, and honed the criteria for the sandwich down to an exact science. To make one you will need to buy: the cheapest fish (preferably not frozen), the cheapest cheese (ordered from the deli counter, specifying the exact amount of slices you'd like), the cheapest bread (pre-sliced or not, doesn't matter), and then you just spend whatever they're asking on the avocado and you've got all you'll need.
So after waking up too late in Arizona to make it to the Grand Junction, CO show, we canceled the next two days of shows, miraculously booked new ones throughout the desert, and in realization of the financial bullet we had just dodged and the miraculous feat we just pulled off, decided to hit the grocery store and celebrate with a round of Fish Philly's.
These ones had tilapia, more pepper jack, obviously avocado, and everything bagels. For a moment we decided a Fish Philly on an everything bagel was a "Desert Style" Fish Philly, but after making them with some green chile's donated from Jeremy's ex-girlfiends dad in New Mexico (weird, i know), we decided that was desert style, and the everything bagel was "College Style".
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